Memoris shoes testing

The report about examination of our shoes by Jugoinspekt, international authorized Serbian company for quality testing, is here. We demanded two most important elements, which are the key evidence of quality - fraying and lining quality, to be examinated. (When talking about lining quality we think of all inner parts of the shoe)

The test results are 500.000 fraying movements without damage as well as the examination of the interior of the shoes under pressure where the result was 100.000 movements without damage. Both results represent the possibility of software, the testing was not envisaged above these results, which means that we do not know what the limit of endurance of our shoes is.

Review the report of the authorized laboratory for quality control.




M2002 Dominate 1

M2002 Dominate 2

M2003 Magic 1

M2003 Magic 2

M2202 WINNER 1

M2202 WINNER 2

M2203 FORCE 1

M2203 FORCE 2

Memoris Serbia

Welcome to the website which assures that the products can be of a high quality and at a low price at the same time. Our goal is to give a promotional. offer so that the products can be available to everybody in order to show the brand quality. The prices in our offer are two... >> More details

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27 November 2015
25 November 2015
27 November 2015
MEMORIS Serbia Monopol Ltd, Koce Kapetana 86, 18 000 Nis, email:, telephones: +38118 571 870 ,+38162778 057 Opened on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Saturday from 9a.m. to 3 p.m. Copyright © 2014
