Memoris News

The Memoris Ball- offical tournament ball!!!

III Winter tournament in Cuprija is kept from the 5th December to the 27th December 2015. The players in Serbia play with the balls of new generation for the first time. The closed seam balls arrived before the start of the tournament and the players played with them.

Master futsal Custom

Master futsal

Najava turnira Custom

Finalisti u kategoriji veterana INDEX TOURS I DELIJE Custom

The finalists in senior category- INDEX TOURS I DELIJE

Osvajaci turnira Meta Plast Blace Custom

The tournament winners- Metal Plast Blace

drugoplasirana ekipa seniori DELIJE Ćuprija Custom

The second place seniors- DELIJE Ćuprija

trećeplasirana ekipa FT LESKOVAC LESKOVAC Custom


četvrto mesto ZORAN RAJZEN RIBARE Custom

The fourth place- ZORAN RAJZEN RIBARE

Memoris Serbia

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27 November 2015
27 November 2015
25 November 2015
27 November 2015
MEMORIS Serbia Monopol Ltd, Koce Kapetana 86, 18 000 Nis, email:, telephones: +38118 571 870 ,+38162778 057 Opened on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Saturday from 9a.m. to 3 p.m. Copyright © 2014
